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JUNE 25, 2000


So I pray that as we celebrate this anniversary, as we give thanks for the past, as we ask for God's blessings on the future, that we make him come ever more like that first Christian community inscribed in the scripture. Community that teaches the fait, a community that celebrates the Eucharist, a community that prays at home, a community that lives in oneness with God and in oneness with each other and community that missionary and that reaches out. I think that that is our special vocation as we begin the new century and the new millennium as we look to the future.

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So let us pray that we become more missionary so that indeed we may bring back those that have fallen away, and there are lots of those, and that we may bring in those who do not yet believe. Then we can truly look forward with the Holy Father to the new springtime of fait and blessed living. God Bless you all.

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After the service the celebration continued in the Church's hall with MC as usual Ed Starick.

Your Grace on behalf of each parishioner I want to officially thank you for your efforts last year in helping us receive another Slovak priest after we have lost the services of Father Kadlec and the Slovak Jesuit Fathers. Your help has enabled our parish to continue the Slovak Tradition and we all thank you very much.

The program started with a group of our youngest parishioners singing: "Po nabrezi konik bezi - A little horse runs along the shore."

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Later on our friend Maros played the fujara and sang a song from Detva region.

As a memento of this occasion from the members of our parish the Most Reverend Archbishop Adam Exner received a book entitled: Tatranske Stity- The Peaks of the Tatra's. A book about High Tatra’s mountain range forming a natural boundary between Poland and Slovakia.

The first priest at the St. Cyril and Methodius parish was Father Lacko who guided us for 25 years. Father Lacko was an extraordinary man. A man who always had a twinkle in his eye and amazing ability to organize in cooperative spirit and make things happens. His accomplishment and especially his sense of humor are legendary. He once described Slovaks as people who like to sing, who like short prayers and like long good sausages. Father Lacko and the other Slovak Jesuit Fathers who served us here with such dignity were all dedicated men whose work and service will never be forgotten. As the Archbishop mentioned at the beginning of the mass today time moves on and for the last ten months we have been blessed with a new priest. A young man, who has presented us with new ideas, challenged our ways and provided vibrant leadership for going forward. As a parish we are truly fortunate that he a young priest who can speak both Slovak and English chose to serve among us.

Father Jozef's remarks:
Two weeks ago we celebrated Pentecost, today we celebrate 40th anniversary of our parish community. Two weeks ago we celebrated the coming of Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God that gave strength and self-confidence to the disciples of Jesus 2000 years ago. The Holy Spirit still gives strength and self-confidence to us, disciples of Jesus today. It is in this spirit that we celebrate 40 years of our Slovak Parish Church. The Holy Spirit is not only the source of strength and self-confidence, but it is a spirit who makes us able to rejoice. Other ways shall be a celebration. Lets rejoice in the name of Jesus and the Spirit of God. Our ways shall be a celebration because the Jesus has absolved us of misery and sins. Lets celebrate our parish community life. Best celebrations are those you can share with others. Therefore I am happy that we have gathered such a big community of our parish here today. I am particularly happy that his Excellency Archbishop Adam Exner is here with us and has given us the honor to be here. Your presence here Archbishop Adam has a double meaning for us. We are Slovak Parish and we still maintained our strong roots in our so beloved home country Slovakia. But we live in Vancouver and want to be member of the local community as well your presence not only shows that our parish is a part of your diocese, but that we are also a part of Canadian Catholic Church. So let’s celebrate. Let’s celebrate our life let’s have peace sign of friend. I would like to thank everybody who helped us to prepare this celebration. Without your special help, without your support it would be impossible to have this special and beautiful ceremony. Let's take your glass and let us sing Zivio, Zivio, mnoga leta, mnoga leta, Zivio, Zivio, Zivio.

Archbishop Adam Exner's remarks:

Once again I am bringing you my own congratulation but also a congratulation of all the priests and the people of archdiocese of Vancouver. Vancouver is an interesting part of the world. Part of the world, where the whole world as if were present. You know we have some parishes as for example the St. Mary's parish in Vancouver with parishioners from 78 different countries. 78 countries all represented in the same parish. It is kind of a microcosm, the whole world is here in miniature. And that is a tremendous richness but it also presents some challenges. And I keep saying to people, when you come to this country do not throw away your culture, your background. Because when people come here and all of a sudden they say well: I am going to become a Canadian. What does it mean, you know we have people from all over the world here, what does it mean to be a Canadian in Vancouver? Don't throw away your culture, don’t throw away What's good and What's true and What's beautiful. Keep it. Secondly don’t only keep is. Share it also with your neighbors. So if you make good sausage, let the other people know. Share the good things with others. First I think that it is important that we keep What's true, good and beautiful and that we share it with others and that thirdly we must also be open to sharing What's good true, and beautiful for other cultures. And if we do that with time, having people here from all over the world, we can built a beautiful culture for the future which takes the best from each group of people. We have that opportunity. We talk a lot about globalization in the world. We are globalized here in Vancouver, and it is a beautiful and rich experience. You know I love to go to some of our parishes to potluck suppers. Each one brings something unplanned. My, you can get everything from Polish Kolbasa to Italian spaghetti and East Indian curry chicken and Japanese sushi. Whatever you want it’s all there. I find this is a tremendous richness and tremendous beauty. It always is a problem for people that come to this country, shall we hang on to our culture of our country or shell we give it up? No don’t give up What's true, good and beautiful. Keep it, share it with others and take What's true, good and beautiful from other people. In that way we never be assimilated, but integrated into something good, true and beautiful for the future. Ant that is a hopeful sign to be. I lived through this myself. My parents were not born in Canada. My parents were born in Austria. When I was a little boy I couldn't speak any English. I was one of those kids that learned English in school. I lived through this. It is a wonderful experience, sometimes a hard experience, but it can be a beautiful experience and I pray that as you keep your culture and share it and receive from with the others you may both be faithful to your past and be faithful to the future as well. God Bless you all.

Ed Starick then thanked the long time members of our church for all their work during the past 40 years. He also thanked the Knights of Columbus for helping with today's celebrations.

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Ed also said: When I knew everyone who came to this church not just to Sunday mass but now I can't say that, because the church is changing. New faces continuously show themselves and I think that is good, for new faces means that our parish is growing. I am sure our Lord must be pleased. If our Slovak parents and their friends who developed this parish could speak to us today, I am sure they would say that they are proud of this parish but I think they would also say that they are proud of you. A church that is overflowing with older and younger people, one in which you can hear children voices is very special. Let’s be proud, but let us also be grateful that we have the Slovak Church and the Slovak priest. I hope that today as we celebrate the past that each of you, and I especially ask our young people, to reflect on the future and that you will renew your energies and work hard with father Jozef and the other parishioners so that this little Slovak parish with its Slovak tradition will continue to flourish and grow for years to come. I thank you all.

Currently our Church has over 120 registered members' families.

We are all looking forward to many more years of service by Father Menus at our Slovak parish of Sts. Cyril and Methodius Church in New Westminster.

Color video of the Holy Divine service is available for US$ 44.45

Please send personal check to:

Vladimir Linder
3804 Yale Street
Burnaby, BC, V5C 1P6

Our new priest address is:

Fr. Juraj Kopanicky
472 East 8th Ave
New Westminster

Phone: 1-604-526-7351




Published in the Slovak Heritage Live newsletter Volume 8, No. 2, Summer 2000
Copyright © Vladimir Linder 2000
3804 Yale Street, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada V5C 1P6
The above article and photographs may not be copied, reproduced, republished, or redistributed by any means including electronic, without the express written permission of
Vladimir Linder. All rights reserved.